Services We Provide

Web App Development

VISUALSIT deliver products like web solutions, web designing, development, content management and al the service related to web app development. We are having team which keeps in mind that a good web application architecture supports the future growth that comes from enhanced requirements and increased demand. Visual Studio is important technology used in web applications and source application development. Visual Studio is an open source platform that runs on windows O.S Visual Studio is used in Linux O.S. Apache which is used in web-server with MYSQL or MSSQL used as a relationship database management system, and PHP OR as OOS language.
Web application development

key area of experties

Some of our key areas of experties

domain knowledge and expertise in multiple Business verticals.
Web site consulting and strategy reviews – Internet strategy, ecommerce consulting.
Design Services – Concept, interface, architecture and branding, graphic design.
Application Testing – Load, stress, performance testing etc.
Technology Services – Technology evaluation, technical design and architecture, database design, Client side programming, server side scripting, application hosting, support and management.

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